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A green inclusive community for all


An inclusive green community for all” is the slogan chosen by the partners of the ”Erasmus+  DISABILITIES Beyond Limits - Empowering young women to build a better future”, project co-financed by the European Union, within Action KA2, whose beneficiary is the Federation for Accessibility of Romania, in partnership with ACE-ES Romania, CESUR Formacion Spain and NCDP Greece.< /p>

An inclusive green community for all” is a slogan  for a project focused on environmental protection and inclusion  young women with disabilities.

The tagline emphasizes the goal of creating a community that is both environmentally responsible and inclusive for all individuals, including those with disabilities. The slogan conveys a message of unity and common purpose and emphasizes the importance of making environmental protection accessible and inclusive for everyone.

This slogan also emphasizes the need to promote a conscious behavior of working îtogether as a community to create positive change.

Here are some answers for  removing barriers from young women with disabilities in support circles:

     Accessibility: We need to ensure that all physical, communication and technology-based barriers are removed so that everyone can fully participate in the circle of support. This includes providing accessibility features such as ramps, audio and visual aids and alternative methods of communication.

     Awareness training: We need to provide training and education for participants and facilitators on awareness of the inclusion of young women with disabilities. This helps to promote understanding and empathy for people with disabilities and to remove barriers of ignorance and prejudice.

     Flexible Scheduling: We will have to offer scheduling options  flexible to accommodate the needs and schedules of all participants, including those with disabilities. This helps remove barriers to participation caused by time constraints or transportation issues.

     Collaboration and Partnership: We will work with local organizations and community groups that serve  young women with disabilities to identify and remove barriers to participation. This may include partnering with organizations to provide transportation or other support services.

     Inclusive Communication: We encourage the use of inclusive communication and language and provide interpretation and translation services as needed. This helps remove barriers to communication and ensure that all participants participate fully in the discussions.

     Support Services: We will monitor îpersonal care or mobility assistance to ensure that all participants can be present at the circle of support. This helps remove barriers caused by physical limitations or other support needs.

ACE-ES Romania
Posted by: Justina Radu
Date: 1 February, 2023
views: 945