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Virtual portfolio with two training modules

Product 2



    The Consortium working on the Enhancing the Personal and Professional Lives of Young Women with Disabilities (YWwD) project is proud to announce the development of Product 2, a virtual portfolio with two training modules. The portfolio aims to prepare practitioners to support YWwD in taking leadership and overcoming the limits imposed by stereotypes and stigma by developing transversal skills around civic engagement and participation. With such skills YWwD can contribute to their community and solve problems.

The first module, 'Leadership', and the second module, 'Community Problem Solving', include lesson plans, activity plans, teaching and learning resources, worksheets and forms, teaching and learning practices, games and dynamics. Each module has a built-in learning log to help YWwD track their progress. The portfolio also includes a set of 16 digital cards, each presenting a problem-solving method based on the ABLE (Analyze, Brainstorm, Lead, Execute) technique.

The development of product 2 went through several phases, including establishing a logical structure for each part, gathering information from relevant sources, brainstorming and internal consultation between partners. The first working version of the portfolio and set of 16 digital cards will be tested and revised to ensure it is practical and effective.

Piloting and validation of the set of 16 digital cards will involve one online session per country with six participants per country who are experts working with youth and YWwD. National reports and a transnational final report will be prepared to support the final review and improve the card set.

The consortium is excited about the potential impact of Product 2 and looks forward to making it widely available through the project website. The virtual portfolio is an important step towards creating a green, inclusive community for all.

Disabilities Beyond Limits Erasmus+
ACE ES Romania
Posted by: Iustina Radu
Date: 17 March, 2023
views: 272