DisABILITIES Civic LAB is an online compendium of scenarios build by YWwD in those workshops in Romania, Greece and Spain. In this way young women with disabilities are co-creators of an innovative tool that could be used as a source of inspiration for other vulnerable women. Compedium has 2 main parts:

a) 14 scenarios build by YWwD;

b) apart from these scenarios based on the real obstacles/problems of YWwD, the compendium also contains the practical guidelines for practitioners: what means a scenario, how to build one, what elements to include, what techniques can be used, tips to increase the level of involvement of young people in the construction of a scenario.

Scenario 14

Limited access to information and communication technology ICT for YWwD

The problem identified in the community:

Limited access to information and communication technology (ICT) for YWwD


Digital spaces and online platforms in Bucharest.

1. Inaccessible Websites and Online Content.
2. Limited knowledge of assistive technologies.
3. Lack of opportunities for YWwD in the digital domain.

1. Insufficient awareness of web accessibility.
2. Limited availability of assistive technology training.
3. Digital exclusion due to preconceived notions of disability.


Possible solutions:
1. Web Accessibility Training: Work with technology experts to conduct digital content accessibility training sessions.
2. Digital Skills Workshops: Provide hands-on workshops for YWwD to improve their digital skills and effectively use assistive technologies.
3. Digital Inclusion Advocacy: Empower YWwD to advocate for digital inclusion by engaging with local businesses and organizations to ensure accessible online content and platforms.

Date: 5 March, 2024
views: 90